How about this?

I think this quote is really funny. And true?

“Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is chance.”


That’s all I have to say really. I guess the quote speaks for itself.

And in case you were wondering, I don’t know who actually said it first, but I heard it on the show Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

You create your own luck.

Maybe you’ve said this before: “Oh, that person is so lucky, and I’m not so lucky!” I have.

But then I realised, that I am very lucky too, and we all are. You can see that by appreciating all the things that you have. Just list them, and you will see how rich you actually are. Luck is a matter of perspective.

I think we create our own opportunities and that is often viewed as ‘luck’. Of course, there are often instances where something happens by chance. But most of the time when we say “He’s so lucky he has such a big house”, we don’t realise that his house did not pop up out of nowhere, he probably had to work for it – he saw some opportunities and he acted on them, to get what he wanted.

So, instead of waiting and wishing things happen to you by chance or thinking that with some luck you’ll have what you want, go outside and try something new, outside of your comfort zone. That is where most of the opportunities will arise and you will become very ‘lucky’ then, for sure! :)

I think Thomas Jefferson said “I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” That is, the harder you work the more opportunities come your way, which people often say is luck, but it’s you the whole time! You create your own luck – you create your own future.


“How can you ever be bored?”

My mom said that to me once. She said; “I’m never bored”.

First I thought, that’s not true! How can you never be bored?

But, as I thought some more about those words, I realised, she was right. There is always something to do. Even if you’re waiting for an appointment and you don’t have your phone, you always have your thoughts.

You could spend that time inventing something new, or improving one of your amazing ideas!

So from that day on, whenever I feel like I am becoming ‘bored’ I remember that this time doing nothing and thinking about how I have nothing to do, could be spent on something more productive. That could even be just closing my eyes and relaxing, but not feeling annoyed that I have nothing to do!

I think this quote by Louis C.K. sums up exactly what I mean:


Image source

Small talk

I don’t like small talk. I don’t see the point of it. Often when I meet people, there is this awkward silence between us, before one of us (usually not me because I’m too busy being silent) decides to talk about the weather. BUT WE CAN ALL SEE THAT IT’S RAINING OUTSIDE!

When I talk to people, I want to get to the point of my conversation. Sometimes, that is talking about a project other times it’s actually hearing how you’ve been doing and how your family is.

Don’t get me wrong, I love listening to people when they tell me how their life is going, the challenges they are facing and how they are overcoming them. However, I don’t talk about this with every person I know, because not everyone feels comfortable sharing that information.

I want to have meaningful conversations, and we all know we will both forget we had this conversation about the weather soon enough. But you won’t forget the meaningful conversations. For example, a good way to start a meaningful conversation would be to ask the person what they are afraid of! Or ask them if they have any regrets in their life. Or discuss ideas you both have. See where I am going, things like that. Because this way, soon enough, one of you will get inspired and will initiate some action from your part, that will hopefully contribute to this world.

But having shallow conversations like talking about the weather or a sports team that won last night will not make you move further and improve yourself.

HOWEVER (there is always a however): If you are a meteorologist or an athlete and your job, your passion, or even your hobby is to talk about the weather or sports, then go ahead! There is nothing wrong with those specific topics, only when they are used as a way to fill some silence. Let the silence be.

I know that many say small talk is there to offer a buffer zone where people can get comfortable with the person they are talking to before getting to what they actually want to talk about. They say that jumping right in and asking someone what the meaning of life is will scare them off and make them feel even less comfortable. But I guess that depends on the person. I would prefer it much more if you asked me a direct question, without having to first ask me how my weekend was even though you couldn’t care less!

I don’t know if I’m the only one that feels this way, so share your experiences! I would love to see if you have gone through the same thing!

Why I started this blog and where its title comes from

Hey guys, I’m back.

I just wanted to write about why I decided to start my own blog (you probably already guessed that from the title). Sorry for the repetition. ;)

What got me started was that I wanted to inspire other people, hence the name of my website (it’s ‘inspire2bhappy’ in case you hadn’t noticed yet). I have been through many things in my life, and have learned new ways of thinking and developed myself as an individual. I just wanted to share some of my insight and hopefully others will relate.

I do not keep a diary because I always thought that diaries were quite secretive. I don’t want to keep a diary because it feels like there is something that I am hiding from others, which is not the case. Hence, this blog allows me to write what I would normally write in my diary, without it being so private. Because I want others to know what I write. I think some might even benefit from it.

Now you know why I would suddenly decide to start something like this. It was quite a big step because it does feel like I am exposing myself to everything and everyone on the internet because anyone can say anything. But this is the only way we will share ideas – if we get out of our boxes (hence the title of this blog ‘see you outside the box’) and explore the world around us.

So, let me know how you got out of your comfort zone and learned many new things by doing so!

Until the next time. Remember, dream BIG.

People like to talk about other people.

Often I find myself sitting in a public place, and I sometimes like to listen to other people’s conversations hoping to one day hear something great that will maybe inspire me.

However, I find that many people like to talk about other people. “Did you hear about x, the other day she…” or “x said so and so and y did this and that”. People like discussing other people.

I feel like this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt really says everything I need to say; “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”

Just a thought.

Edit: I read this post and I just realised that it is a bit ironic because it is about how people like discussing people, and in this post I discuss people!

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Hello everyone!

Again, sorry for not having posted in quite some time. I don’t want that to happen anymore.

I came across this website, for anyone interested in images of our universe!

What’s nice is that there are daily pictures and they are amazing! I find it very inspirational to just look up in the sky and wonder how much more there is out there…

See you soon :)

(click on the image to see a bigger version).

What is the most important thing in life?

“Money”, he replied.

Let me explain how this came about. Rewind…

Every Friday I volunteer at a local Soup Kitchen where I serve food for people that might not have the means to buy food. It’s a great experience and I recommend it to everyone!

So I was walking around serving coffee and I noticed that one man was talking to another volunteer. She was a teenager, still in school. I heard him ask her “what is the most important thing in life?” To which she replied without hesitation “Happiness”. The man then mockingly rolled his eyes and said “happiness…pfff”.
“No, the most important thing in life is money”, he told her. “Without money, there is nothing you can do and you will be miserable”.

I continued walking along and went to serve coffee at other tables.

Later that night, I recalled this incident. It had stuck with me. It was interesting to see that this man, who probably did not have a lot of money, had a different view on the ‘important’ things in life, depending on his situation. So it is very subjective. Interesting…

This is just a thought. To see what I think is the most important thing in life, see a future post…